At the University of Toronto in Canada, researchers have been studying personalized nutrition advice based on genetic makeup, rather than the common "one-size-fits-all"dietary advice. This study of genetics-based nutrition is also called nutrigenomics, a field of study that intends to understand why people respond differently to the same foods. Ahmed El-Sohemy, an associate professor in Nutritional Sciences at the University of Toronto stated "We found that people who receive DNA-based advice improve their diet to a greater extent than those who receive the standard dietary advice. They're also the ones who need to change it the most". In this study they gathered 138 young healthy adults, and collected the data on their intake of caffeine, sodium, vitamin C and sugar levels. They then randomly split them into two different groups, they gave one group DNA based dietary advice, and the other group was given current standard dietary advice with no genetic information. Each subject's change in diet was observed after three months, and again after twelve months. Those that were given DNA based advice had more changes in diet in three months and a more dramatic result after 12 months time. Those that were told they had a genetic link to high blood pressure showed the most results and had a significant decrease in salt intake. The subjects in this study received advice that was developed by a start-up company that develops genetic test kits for personalized nutrition only through certified healthcare professionals. In my opinion, I think this is a great study and should become more widely available to the public. We are all worried about the increase in obesity rates and staying healthy, I think this can be the perfect way to change the increase and start living a healthier lifestyle.
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I think this is such a great way to start decreasing obesity and getting people more positive about becoming healthy. Everyone responds differently to the same foods and sometimes a diet will work really well for one person and not work at all for another. This is the main reason why people get discouraged and just stop trying to be healthy. If everyone can individually get their own personalized diet based on their DNA and genetics then they will all see results and it will allow everyone to become healthy, be happy about it and not get extremely discouraged. This is something that needs to be available to the public.
ReplyDeleteI think this is an important study, especially as we learn more and more about the impact of our genetics. So many diseases have a genetic link and if we could reduce our chances of having to deal with them by changing our diet, why wouldn't we? This could be great especially for people struggling to control pre-existing diseases or disorders.
ReplyDeleteI think this is a great way to help people lose weight. The standard diet does not work for everyone. Having the knowledge of what DNA says about an individuals diet is a great advancement that can help people give their body the food that it wants while also remaining healthy.