Saturday, December 8, 2012

Bigfoot DNA Tests Prove Hairy Creature Exists, Genetic Researcher Says

Dr. Melba S. Ketchum, a veterinarian with 30 years experience in genetics research and forensics, says that she has found proof of the existence of Bigfoot. Her lab was given several samples of hair found by Bigfoot investigators. What they found was the DNA of a previously unknown primate species. In the near future, the results will be published in a peer-reviewed journal. Ketchum believes that the "Bigfoots" existed approximately 15,000 alongside humans. She says that they had sex with homo-sapien females and a new species was created. Like many Bigfoot DNA samples, Ketchum's analysis originally concluded that the mitochondrial DNA was human. After further analysis, however, she found that the DNA was only partially human. Critics insist that there are other explanations, such as contamination of the samples.

I find it interesting that the actual results have not been released, and will not be until the peer reviewed journal is published. I feel that this could either mean that the results are questionable, or that they are significant. If the results were significant, it is surprising that Dr. Ketchum would not jump at the chance to release them, however this may also be a sign of her professionalism. In fact, according to the article, she never believed in the existence of Bigfoot until her lab  found positive results. As far as other explanations, I  find it doubtful that every single sample could have been contaminated. I look forward to this scientific research being published.


  1. This is very interesting. While it is still unsure if it is accurate or not, the thought of the "Big Foot" folk tale being over is suprising. It is weird for us to think of a half human half beast out there.

  2. This is fascinating to me. I find it intriguing that every time evidence is introduced regarding something that is simply deemed impossible or unacceptable to the public, that the research suddenly disappears and is never spoken of again. Considering that many of the Homosapiens interbred with each other when they came into contact, it is a very valid possibility that another family was created. There are so many parts of the world that are left unexplored and that are completely impossible to fully navigate that there is a possibility that the creature known as Big Foot could be living among us at this point in time. Hundreds of new species are discovered every year. It surprises me that people think it is such an impossibility for this creature to actually exist.

  3. I recently saw a headline for a news article (that I can't seem to find now) about the bigfoot DNA journal article that is published by the group doing the research.

  4. The journal is published by the same people doing the research.
