Anthropogenic climate change is creating warmer temperatures
in the oceans and for certain coral reefs when temperatures remain above a
sustainable level for extended periods of time, coral bleaching occurs. This study used genomic-wide patterns of variation to predict bleaching responses
across a distribution for coral conservation. Coral reefs consist of a symbiotic
relationship between the coral itself and intracellular photosynthetic dinoflagellates
that provide energy for the coral. During coral bleaching the coral becomes
intolerant to the heat and the dinoflagellates of the Symbiodiaceae family are
expelled from the coral and if the coral does not take these dinoflagellates
back in after an extended period of time the coral dies. This study looked at Acropora
millepora, a common reef-building coral, that is widely distributed across
the Indo-Pacific Ocean that potentially can have significant genetic diversity
between populations that are better adapted to warming sea temperatures. There were
237 samples of chromosomal data taken from 12 different reefs in the central
Great Barrier Reef. Heat tolerance in coral is not fully understood if it is
polygenic or influenced by some common large-effect loci. The only loci found
in this genomic-wide association was a long-term balancing selection in
heat-shock and it is called sacsin. Sacsin is a co-chaperone for the heat
tolerance protein Hsp70 and this helps the coral adjust to warmer temperatures
over a long period of time; however, recently due to anthropogenic impacts the
changes in temperature have been fast and short-term periods. This locus is
found in the genus of corals Acropora and Pocillipora and the
sequence of sacsin has been maintained with little to no variation across
millions of generations, so any variation detected in this gene will suggest adaptation
for the balancing selection for increasing heat. There was little haplotype
diversity across the chromosomal scale for genomic-wide association due to the
broadcast spawning mode of reproduction in A. millepora. This indicates that
coral bleaching responses are not due a common locus across a genome, which supports
that the phenotype of coral bleaching is polygenic and individual coral
populations responses to warmer temperatures can be predicted instead of across
a whole genome.
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