Monday, September 28, 2015

Deep Space Sugars, Key to Origin of Life?

The scientists over at the University of Nice Sophia Antipolis had discovered sugars found within the ice of comets and meteorites located in deep space which could help explain how these massive objects came and seeded our planet with life. When the universe was first being created, ice was the most abundant solid and later on scientist found out that the combination of cosmic rays and ultraviolet light could cause these ice particles to be transformed into the precursors of organic matter. The stuff that makes up lipids and proteins. Now however, scientists have found out that there are sugars encapsulated within these ice chunks when they were attempting to re-create the evolution of an ice chunk as if it were traveling through space. They realized that sugars are also the backbone and support of nucleotides which are the foundation of nucleic acid that make up such molecules like DNA and RNA. Researchers have stated that they did not create life however, they merely created the building blocks of life.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, this article is so interesting. I can't believe how interested I am. I really enjoyed reading about how these small particles in space are linked to comets and the origin of life.
