Saturday, April 11, 2015

Thank your Parents For Your Personality!

Has anyone ever told you that you act just like your mother or father? Most of us have experienced this and hated it. There is good news though; you might not be able to help it! Recent studies have shown that personality could be related to your genes!

In identical twins, personality is considered to be 46% genetic, while in fraternal twins, personality is considered to be only 23% genetic. This is easier to determine because they share many of the same genes. Now, what about everyone else? This is a much tougher question.

How genes are expressed has a lot to do with personality differences. Though a person may have inherited certain personality traits from their mother or father, they may not be expressed the same way. There is a lot of research being done on how genes are expressed-- which genes are on or off when and why etc. Until gene expression is completely understood, a clear answer about genes influencing personality cannot be given.

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