Thursday, April 16, 2015

Scientists Reveal Genetic Root of Prostate Cancer

Image of the prostate gland.

The International Genome Consortium has dedicated much time in trying to reveal genetic changes that lead to prostrate cancer.  They had taken samples of tumors from 10 mean and were able to draw a tree of the changes at a genetic level to see where prostate cancer begins to form.  When doing so, it was discovered that the first group of prostate cancer cells will travel through the body and form new tumors in other parts of men's bodies.  There were samples of tumors taken from different sites on the prostate, and it was found that the cells were very diverse.  Also, the cells that move away from the prostate all share a genetic fault that is unique to the man who is suffering from it.

It is very essential to understand the change of these cancer cells and how they spread throughout the body before becoming resistant.  This will aid in how to correctly treat different forms of cancer.

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