Monday, April 20, 2015

New Genetic Links Found for Obesity

After analyzing more than 300,000 genetic samples, scientists found more than 140 DNA locations that play a role in obesity. Some of these genes control where fat is preferentially stored in the body, which different locations being associated with different health risks.  Preferential fat storage in the abdominal region for example is associated with type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and cardiovascular disease.  Researchers also found 97 genetic links to increased BMI, with some of these areas linked to BMI controlling appetite and energy use.  Researchers believe that because their are so many genes that they found were linked to obesity that a one size fits all solution is unlikely to be found, however it does open new doors for possible prevention and treatment of genetically caused obesity.

I think that this is new discovery will hopefully eventually lead to the discovery of exactly how these genes work and potentially a way to influence them to promote higher metabolisms and healthier storage patterns of fat.  Until then, I believe it could be incredibly helpful to have children tested at a young age for genetic markers for predisposition to obesity, because parents could then at least take steps to help ensure these children have increased amounts of physical activity and healthier eating habits early on, giving them a greater chance of remaining healthy through adulthood.


  1. Its very interesting to see how there is so many genes linked to obesity, and although they can't be solve with one solutions, this discovery will potentially facilitate treatment.

  2. I agree, with more research hopefully treatment will be possible. Also it might allow for earlier recognition of risk factors which could motivate healthier lifestyle choices
