Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Kids Not Interested In School Might Be Born That Way


 Kids who avoid doing homework and don't care about getting A's might have inherited these feelings toward school from their parents.  According to an analysis of 13,000 identical twins, half of a child motivation to learn or the lack of motivation to learn might be driven by genetic predisposition.  However, the enjoyment of learning isn't because of a single gene.  It is being determined that genetic makeup and outside environmental factors play a key role.  Identical twins were chosen to be studied because they share identical genes which offers researchers how much exactly environmental differences impact personality.  Each twin completed a questionnaire to gauge the degree to which they enjoyed learning a school subject.   The researchers found similarities across all ages and nationalities.  
     If this is in fact genetic I feel that environmental influences play an even larger role in the enjoyment of learning.  If the individual has the predisposition to not enjoy school genetically I don't think they are doomed.  They still have the potential to work and do well in school because of motivation factors regarding their environments.  


  1. Although there may be a genetic disposition to not like school, I think the environment ultimately plays on role on how a child feels about school. With the right motivation I think any student can do well in school regardless of genetics.

  2. This article was very interesting, I believe that the predisposition for a kid to like school it's mostly affected by the motivation given by the parents and the environment in which the kids live in.
