Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Impacts on a Person's Ability to Learn

          A person's motivation or lack of motivation aren't necessarily due to the person's laziness.  Difficulties in school may be due to more than just motivation to learn and the environment in which the learning takes place.  Recent studies have showed that a child's learning ability and the tactics needed to learn by the child may be due to genetic make up impacting the brain.  There are different learning abilities and tactics that people need in order for them to understand certain information and these are generally inherited by their parents.  But even though the genetic make up of a child plays a role in their learning ability it is not the only factor.  According to a recent study done involving 13,000 identical twins, the environment where the learning takes place may take a toll as well.   The study was done by evaluating identical twins that were learning in different environments.  The twins were then given a questionnaire to evaluate their learning which concluded that the environment in which they were in also played a role.  The researchers looking into the impacts of genetic make up and environment stated that the research done was sensitive and more testing would be needed, but concluded that both are key roles in a person's learning abilities. 
         This article was interesting and is definitely noticeable among siblings who are not identical twins as well.  The learning styles used by my sister and myself show that personality and genetic make up are influences of how well you do in school.  We were both raised in the same household but we each take a different learning tactics from our parents.  I would definitely have to agree that different genes inherited by parents play a role on people's learning abilities.  Issues about genetic inheritance involving learning abilities doesn't have to be a problem though.  A person's learning ability can be broken down and discussed among people such as the student, parent(s), and the educator to emphasize what the best methods needed are.

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