Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Genetically Modified Rice Can Help Prevent Spina Bifida

           Ever since 1994 when the first genetically modified crop became commercially available researchers have been experimenting to find ways in which genetically modified crops could benefit humanity. Most genetically modified crops have been altered in order to resist insects and herbicides however more recently crops have been modified to include certain nutrients. Crops have been enriched with iron, zinc, vitamin A and other nutrients successfully. “Golden rice” will be introduced to the world soon and will potentially save hundreds of thousands of lives from mal-nutrition, as it is vitamin A enriched.  A new form of genetically modified rice has been created which will help lower risk of neural tube defects such as spina bifida. The new rice contains folate, or vitamin B9. Lack of this vitamin has shown to cause up to 85% of all neural tube defects in infants. Spina bifida is a birth defect in which a baby’s spinal cord does not develop properly. Although Folate biofortified rice is still in its lab stages of development there is enough proof-of-concept to nearly guarantee its success.

            This research could drastically improve thousands of newborn’s lives by preventing neural tube defects. Spina bifida can be surgically treated however normalcy can never be returned to the area of the spinal cord that was affected. With this new genetically modified crop, women can help to ensure their baby’s safety from neural defects such as spina bifida by simply eating rice. Hopefully this crop will be introduced to the public as soon as possible, and start protecting children before they are even born.


  1. I found this article to be very informative. I had no idea that the lack of B9 could cause such a problem. I didn't even know that B9 was a thing.

  2. The fact that we can fortify foods with vitamins and minerals is great. This can be particularly important in third world countries to help children and also adults.
