Recently, the first paper describing the work that was put towards genetically modifying embryos was published. There is still much more to do be able to fully modify the genetic make-up of an embryos. However, a team in USA and four teams in China have been working very diligently to get to that goal. Genetic modification has only been used on mice in the past because it was too expensive and difficult to complete on other organisms.
The editing technique is referred to as, CRISPR. This technique has made it cheaper and easier to modify genes. Its amazing how many advances are made day by day.
I think that this is a very controversial issue due to the nature of religion and human ethics if this was introduced to humans. I believe that I am biased in the fact that I believe all humans should be born healthy and that all people deserve to have children from their own DNA. I am the kind of person that would work on this area to improve humanity as a whole.