Monday, April 20, 2015

Emotional Medication Through the Air

At the University of Sussex a study was conducted demonstrating how human emotions could be transferred through the human body, via the palm, without contact. The leader of the research, Dr. Marianna Obrist, explains this technology as a method to stimulate different areas of one’s hand delivering various emotions. Emotions such as sadness are stimulated by the outer palm and pinky. The thumb, index finger, and middle of the palm are told to convey excitement.  The system is called the Ultragraphics system.  This research intends to continue for other senses like taste, touch and smell.

On a minor level, I find this most interesting as I tend to lack control of my own emotions. As Dr. Obrist indicates this would be handy technology to have when emotionally unstable before work or another important event. He also mentions how it could benefits families when undergoing long distance relationships. Most importantly, those suffering sensory impairments will have experiences they never imagined. Making this new technology nearly unimaginable.
The news article can be found here.

1 comment:

  1. This article was very interesting, because it's amazing to see how human emotions can be controlled by the use of technology, and like you said it can help those with sensory impairments or people going trough depression.
