Thursday, April 16, 2015

Breakthrough Finds Molecules that Block Previously 'Undruggable' Protein Tied to Cancer

Scientists at the University of Kansas made a discovery in a protein that can bind to RNA receptors and can promote tumor growth. These are the future molecules found that can disrupt the HuR-RNA binding and release the RNA which blocks the function of HuR as a protein that is tumor promoting. Research has shown that HuR levels are high in many types of cancers tested. Inhibitors may be the treatment in curing many cancers.The study done by the university tested and proved that HuR is druggable. The researchers verified that the compounds they found could be novel for curing cancer.
This research could potential help us find a cure for cancer. It could open an entirely new class for cancer drugs. This could help cure all different types of cancer and in the end could be a very good thing. On the downfall we have to make sure there are no possible side effects to blocking the function of HuR also known as the tumor promoting. Further research would need to be done on proteins that block receptors. 

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