Sunday, March 29, 2015

Too Much Vitamin D Can Be Bad

      So since childhood most people have heard that not getting enough vitamin D can cause serious problems to ones health. Well now scientists are saying that too much vitamin D can actually have some serious risks as well, to include death. A study that has been going on for several years has actually proven that too much vitamin D can be deadly. A study using 247,574 Danes was done to study the levels of vitamin D in the bodies. During the seven years the study took place 16,645 patients have died. The connection between a high vitamin D rate and death rate is highly significant. 
       The study showed that a person's vitamin D level should be between 50 and 100 nanomol per liter. Patients over 100 actually showed a higher death rate cause from a stroke or a coronary. Too low of a level can also cause death. A good healthy level would be around 70 nanomol per liter. 
        This article is a good source of information considering many people take vitamin supplements. If people are aware of the possible harm these supplements might cause it could save many lives. Never did I hear that too much vitamin D could kill you so it is interesting how new research in different fields is showing results. The positive result for this research is that people will now be aware of a healthy level of vitamin D and possibly other vitamins in the future. 


  1. I also find it very surprising that too much vitamin D could cause that. We are always told to, "Go out and get some vitamin D," but i guess it turns out that too much is bad.

  2. As someone with low levels of vitamin D I feel like today vitamin D is being stressed immensely. There have been many studies it is beneficial for your bones overall health and even preventing breast cancer. However, this article is completely contradicting those findings. I guess it is the best to have the normal level of vitamin d where having too high or too low can cause issues.

  3. I also agree, this is very surprising. As Matt said you always hear people telling you to get some vitamin D, never the other way around. I feel like it just goes to show that we need to have a good balance of everything, not too much or too little of one thing.
