According to a new study, scientists from the University of Sheffield found that the "Y" chromosome in males is older than previously believed. Their studies show that the 'Y" chromosome is 8,300 years older than previously believed putting the age at 208,300 years old, while the Bible claims that the humans appeared a mere 6,000 years ago. The Bible also makes claims that there were originally only two humans, Adam and Eve, and all current humans are decedents of them. The article written by the scientists from University of Sheffield claim that there were groups of "Adams and Eves" living side by side wandering the Earth.
I found this article very interesting and I believe that it is very helpful as well. I believe that it helps to educate people who may have limited sources of knowledge about the development of humans over an extended period. I hope that articles like this continue to come out to educate people the history of humanity.
The idea of having two groups of people "Adam"s and "Eve"s can create another link between science and religion. From the article you commented on, it seems that these two groups were the first humans to walk on Earth. Furthermore, the Bible states that everyone is a descendant from these two individuals. This could be a cool way to connect two previously conflicting ideas, so that everyone is happy.