The article is stating how after much research GMO pesticides are actually increasing cancer rates in Cordoba, Argentina. Scientists reviewed 8 years of the population data for Cordoba. Deaths cause by cancer were about 158 per 100,000 people. Genetically modified organisms are sprayed with pesticides that enhance the crops. People in the town are effected terribly by the toxins and the organisms are also linked to higher cancer rates.
Dr. Fernando Manas works at the University of Rio Cuarto and backs up the idea that the GMO pesticides are causing cancer in Cordoba. His research also proves that glyphosate is a herbicide present in GMO pesticides. The herbicide was found in areas close to the farmlands, such as in lakes, nearby soil, and even in the rainwater. Even with all the data collected to backup the connection between these pesticides and cancer the government will not do anything to improve conditions. They keep stating that further research must be done when the proof is right in front of them.
This article was very interesting in that it makes a person really think about what their surroundings. Majority of people eat fruits and vegetables that are GMO's. If the chemicals that are used to create these produces are carcinogenic then I can only imagine what I am putting into my body by consuming them.
This article is very interesting in that it focuses on an issue that is occurring within many governments including the United States. For the most part, the majority of the foods we eat are GMO's, and despite all the research and evidence that links these foods with cancer, the government still allows GMO's to be used for human consumption. Although there is no hard core proof stating this, there is much evidence that shows the negative impacts of eating GMO's. I've recently read an article stating that cancer rates have dramatically increased over the past few decades, and that the cause may be due to GMO's. There is much evidence out there suggesting that there is a link between GMO's and cancer; unfortunately, it is not enough for the government to implement laws to ban these foods. Hopefully, further research will be conducted to find tangible and irrefutable evidence that will help us understand what GMO's are really doing to our bodies.