Saturday, January 31, 2015

Is Cancer Random?

Scientists suggest that many causes of cancer are caused by a Random Genetic Mistake, or mutation, that occurs when healthy cells divide. According to a study random mutations may account for two-thirds of the risk of many types of cancer leaving the "usual" suspects to account for one-third. Researchers Cristian Tomasetti and Dr. Bert Vogelstein suspected that chance had a role but didn't expect the results to be this extent. The phenomena went beyond their expectations, being about double what they thought it would be. Dr. Tomasetti and Dr. Vogelstein say "finding that so many cases of cancer occur from random genetic accidents means that it may not be possible to prevent them". According to them there should be more of an emphasis on developing better tests to find cancers earlier enough to cure them. And since cancer leaves a signal of its presence we just have to become smarter about how to find them.

I found this article interesting because I believe it to be true. For a while I've believed that some cases of cancer could be caused by a random genetic mutation. And although other outside sources cause cancer, for example Cigarettes increase your chances for lung cancer. But there's that word Chance. The possibility, it's not a sure thing and a majority of people know someone who has been an avid smoker for most of their life and doesn't have lung cancers as well as someone that has never smoked a day in their life and has, by chance, obtained cancer. 

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