Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Genetics Linked to Form of Heart Failure

Researchers have recently discovered a genetic risk for heart failure. The risk starts from a protein that makes the heart less elastic. The mutation inhibits some production of titin, the largest human protein and essential muscle component. This genetic mutation increases an individuals chance to develop dilated cardiac myopathy. Dilated cardiac myopathy is when the walls of the heart become stretched out and thin. This impairs the heart to pump blood efficiently throughout the body. Patients with and without titin mutations were compared. Those who had the titin mutation's had a much more serious form of dilated cardiac myopathy.

I believe this is a huge discovery in the medical field. This finding could lead to genetic testing that would improve individuals treatment and bring these potential heart issues to light. 5.1 million Americans suffer from heart failure and one in nine deaths of Americans are heart related. Another recent study also shows that 40% of newborn autopsy's revealed that a congenital heart defect went undiagnosed.Because of this new genetic discovery congenital heart defects can now be better diagnosed resulting in better patient treatment.


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