The diversity in the spectrum of autism has always been an issue for the diagnosis and treatment of this disorder. Geneticists have learned that there are hundreds if not thousands of different types of autism. Most of the studies done so far have only focused on examining individuals with similar outward features (e.g., behavior, physical features), but these studies do not target the root of the problem.
Instead of focusing their studies on only the physical and behavioral characteristics, scientists have began using genetics to categorize kids with the same types of autism and in turn start a mapping of the disorder as a whole. Scientists found mutations in the DNA sequences of people with autism that were not found in people without the disorder.
Geneticists began to notice that people sharing similar copy number variants, which are alterations of the DNA of a genome, often shared specific characteristics and symptoms of the disorder. However, the number of people who shared the same mutations in their DNA sequences was extremely small.
This article interested me because this kind of research is helping the parents of kids with autism get an idea of how they will develop throughout life by looking at older patients who have the same mutations in their DNA sequences and how they have matured. It also helps those with very unique symptoms find others whom they can relate to.
Main article /2014/11/autism-gene tics/
Second article
That perspective on how a specific type of autism would develop based on shared variants and how it would affect a persons quality of life or life expectancy or anything really is a cool resource to have.