Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Parents Interested in New Born Genomic Testing

New research shows that most parents would have their new born children involved in genomic testing. The study originally went out to see how parents would feel about the issue and the responses have been positive. This would provide a genetic history for new born babies besides the known family history. This would be very helpful for health care professionals and doctors. They could find disease the baby would be more likely to get and hopefully find a way to prevent those disease from occurring. This testing would need to be done early after the child’s birth. To do this test parent would need to consent to this testing. After explaining genomic testing to parents and the effect it has on human health, most parents were interested. The parent’s age, or level of education did not have an effect on the results. In another study, no parents rejected genomic testing. This study shows the importance of future research in genomic testing. The interest level is high and this could help save lives in the future.

1 comment:

  1. I think it is great that we are able to genetically test babies for diseases to ensure they are healthy. I do think that genetic testing does come with a dark side as to parents finding out life alternating or deadly diseases. This information is something that all parents want to know, as the study said no parent rejected the test.
