Saturday, November 29, 2014

What Can Our Sewage Teach Us?

A group of students have been analyzing the data from the 5 Burroughs of New York waste water. The director of the  New York University’s Center for Genomics and Systems Biology is leading this project. She would like to genome the water waste and determine what bacteria and viruses are present in them. With this data she could see trends infectious diseases and observe any antibacterial -resistant bacteria. This is important ,because viruses and bacteria  have become more and more immune to antibiotics.If the they were able to genome each Burrough they could determine what is "normal" for that specific area.

The group did an experiment  with bicycle bacteria. They examined bacteria in New York and London studied how the bacteria traveled through out the cities. Another experiment done after was the Dirty Money Project. They expected the bacteria to be dead, however the bacteria was actually thriving. The sewage project just received approval in September, but they are hopeful that the data will be beneficial not just to the official but the general public.

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting article, We all within a close proximity to New York so it is interesting to see studies going on in the sewer systems. It is important to know what diseases and bacteria live in those systems.
