Saturday, November 22, 2014

Vitamin D influences genes

              Research has found that vitamin D influences about 200 genes. Vitamin D is from the exposure of the sun. One billion of people in the world do not have enough amount of vitamin D from the sun. It is also found that vitamin D increases a person’s susceptibility to autoimmune conditions such as diabetes type 1. Vitamin D interacts with our DNA because vitamin D receptor is a protein that is only activated by vitamin D. It attached to DNA and influences which proteins are created from our genetic code. Along the length of the genome, 2,776 binding sites found for vitamin D receptor.  At least 229 genes are effects by vitamin D. Research has also found that light skin and hair color evolved in populations moving to areas with less sun. Lacking vitamin D negatively affects bone development in pregnant mothers which is fatal to the mother and the baby. Vitamin D is not naturally found in foods, unlike other vitamins that can be found in food. One must sit in the sun for at least 15 minutes per day to receive accurate vitamin D. There are two type of vitamin D: Vitamin D and Dwhich are both found sunlight. 

                Vitamin D deficiency can kill you quicker. The type of cancers that vitamin D deficiency causes are breast, prostate and column. Copenhagen City heart study has found that “genes with low vitamin D had a mortality rate that is 30% higher and 40% higher cancer-related death”. Low vitamin D also has a higher chance of brain damage after cardiac arrest.

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