Monday, November 17, 2014

The Genetics of Being a Daredevil

Of recent years, scientist have been trying to studying the correlation between individuals tendency to partake in risky behaviors and their genetics. Previous research case studying twins seemed to indicate there was a relationship, but research as to where the specific gene or snippet of the DNA relating to risk taking was located, had not been conducted.  A practical approach of looking for such gene has been to zero in on genes relating to dopamine production. The reason behind this being that those who in engaged in high risk activities were presumed to release dopamine different than those who do not. These studies have been inconsistent with one another. Some finding that variation of certain genes related to dopamine production, such as DRD4, also showed variations with risk taking while other studies concluded that there were no correlations. Dr. Cynthia Thompson from the University of British Columbia conducted a survey of questionnaires asking those with preference and disdain to risk taking, questions on how they feel during the high risk activities they do. She also collected DNA sample from the participants and found that the difference of the variant gene only accounted for about a 3 percent difference in the behavior of a risk taker and a non-risk taker. This difference was deemed significant enough to remain conclusive. Overall the study showed that some people might have an innate need to turn to risky behaviors to suffice their optimal levels of arousal.

I believe this study can prove to be a very crucial one. If we can find people who are natural risk takers it might be advisable to encourage them into certain fields. I do believe that the 3 percent difference from the study isn't significant enough to warrant a probable conclusion. I was always under the ruse that testosterone played a huge role in risk taking behaviors since it seems like males tend to take more risky behaviors than females, but this is why research beats intuition.

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