Thursday, November 20, 2014

Personalized Nutrition Based on Genetic Testing

       Researchers from the University of Toronto find that a specific diet based on genetic makeup has a positive impact on eating habits versus a standard diet tailored for all bodies. The study looked at intake of caffeine, sodium, vitamin C, and sugar from about 150 healthy young adults, who were separated based on receiving DNA-based diet advice or a standard one. Improvements in diet were successful in patients given DNA diet advice. Specifically, improvements occurred in those made aware that they carry a version of a gene associated with salt intake and high blood pressure and resulted in a reduction in sodium intake. Metabolic genes that affect specific components of the diet should be further studied to help humans on a much deeper and effective level.
          This approach to nutrition makes a lot of sense if you think about it. We are all made up of different DNA and different genes, therefore it makes sense to alter changes in diet based on what is beneficial for our own bodies. I would be personally interested in seeing myself how I could improve my diet by getting my own genes looked it as I believe others would as well.



  1. This article makes a great point. It only makes sense that a diet should be tailored specifically to each person, and what better way than basing it on our DNA! I am not surprised at all to read that the DNA-specific diets were more successful. Although maybe not as detailed as DNA, this individual versus standards approach is one that everyone dieting should use.

  2. Not only does this topic make you think how drastically one's diet and possibly life could be changed if they received the proper genetic-diet but I also wonder if this could be a new specialized field for nutritionists or dietitians in the future. Students may pursue to study such subjects but could go receive additional schooling to analyze the genetics of clients to be able to enhance their advice.
