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Bioengineers have recently found a way to increase the ability of bacteria to produce isopentenol. To do this, these bioengineers had to figure out a way to increase the tolerance of the bacteria so that the product did not inhibit its growth. Isopentenol was added to the culture of non-produced E.coli, the scientists then observed what genes were being shifted up and down while the E.coli responded to the solvent-stressor. 40 genes that the bacteria cranked up in response were chosen, then each gene was overexpressed in a bacterial strain actively producing isopentenol to see which might improve the strain's growth. MetR improved isopentenol production by 55% and mdlB improved isopentenol by 12%.
Finding a way to produce isopentenol and other sources for biofuels could be very beneficial in the future when it comes to finding a replacement for fossil fuels. Right now finding an efficient alternative to fossil fuels is one of the most pressing problems in the world. By finding a way to produce more isopentenol from these bacteria, it can introduce a new way find create more biofuels and decrease the need of fossil fuels. This would not only be an incredible discovery in science, but also work towards preserving the environment.
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