Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Decreased Risk for Stroke with Gene Variant

For individuals who are young and middle-aged adults, cervical artery dissection exists as one of the major causes of stroke. Cervical artery dissection describes a condition where one of the arteries traveling through the neck and to the brain experiences a tear in the lining. This results in increased risk for blood clotting as well as compression of nearby nerves and blood vessels, which reduces blood flow to the brain. This decreased blood flow to the brain significantly increases the risk for an individual to experience brain damage or even a stroke, which can lead to significant mental impairment or death.

Researchers from University of London’s Royal Holloway in combination with a team of researchers spanning in geographic location from across Europe and the United States, have made a genetic discovery that explains a reduced risk in certain individuals for the aforementioned major cause of stroke. A large study was executed, including 1,400 patients with cervical artery dissection and 14,400 individuals who do not have this condition. The entire genomes of all those involved in the study were screened to determine if differences existed that would explain increased or decreased risk for cervical artery dissection. The researchers found that those with a particular gene variant, PHACTR1, had a decreased risk for being afflicted with cervical artery dissection. The gene variant has also been linked with defense against migraines and heart attack risk.

Researchers have stated that this finding will be essential in helping to further understand the impact of this particular portion of the genetic code on characteristics of blood vessel formation and maintenance in the body. They hope that such information will result in treatments and methods of prevention for conditions related to the body’s vasculature, such as stroke. They hope to do further related investigation of the genome to determine other genetic variations that may be linked to increased or decreased risk for stroke.

I find this article and the discovery it details to be very interesting. Strokes have the capability to produce such horrible brain damage and even death, so any information to further understand mechanisms that increase the likelihood of experiencing a stroke is of great value. Such information can be used for the purposes of beneficial prevention measures and treatments. It is wonderful that this study of genome screening brought light to this one particular gene variant, which decreases risk of cervical artery dissection. Hopefully, other similar findings will be made regarding other risk factors for stroke using this methodology.

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1 comment:

  1. This is a very interesting article that has the ability to have a substantial impact in the health field. Giving Doctors the ability to identify patients with an increased risk of stroke give them a better chance to prevent these strokes from occurring. It can also be used to settle people's minds if strokes seem to run in their families.
