Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Could DNA Testing Be Available in Every Doctor's Office?

     There may be a day in the not too distant future that will have your DNA available to any doctor you may see. Before he prescribes you medicine, he or she could test your DNA and see how effective the treatment would be, well before you ever take it.  As DNA testing becomes cheaper and more available to the general public, doctors can see possible inherited risks and keep a closer eye to effectively treat any disease at its earliest onset.  This could also lead to lifestyle plans that could avoid the risk all together.

    Researchers at Arizona State University teamed with IBM researchers are doing just that. 
They are creating a tiny DNA reading device that is no thicker than human hair.  The researchers stated that with this device could make every day use of full human genome reading. A current is passed through a nanopore which would then spike the concurrent chemical base on the DNA.  This same device is being researched to possibly assist with drug research as well.  Cheaper and better technology means cheaper health care and medications in the long run for everyone.


1 comment:

  1. Hopefully one day this can be implemented. It would be a great thing to help fight any diseases that one might get. It would be able to show you what medicines would be most affect for you. That would be very crucial.
