Friday, November 14, 2014

Coffee Loving Linked to Genes

People who love coffee might have this because of certain genes in their body. People who love coffee might have this because of certain genes in their body. Researchers have linked six genes to a person's coffee intake. According to the study all of the genes are related to the bodes' response to caffeine. These genes are likely to show why some people like coffee a lot more than other people do.

Researchers did more then 28 studies on why people love coffee and where the genes may come from. They studied the makeup of 120,000 coffee lovers to study their genes. Two of the genes are related to how a person metabolizes coffee, another two are linked to the "kick" that a person feels they get from the coffee, and the last two come from the metabolism of fats and sugars. They say the last two genes are very unexpected. The study is still in progress and the next step is to examine the genes identified and see if they impact the risk of certain diseases.

This article was a good read for me because I enjoy coffee a lot. There was a time when I once did not like coffee and now love it. Reading that it could be connected to genes and family history was interesting to me.

1 comment:

  1. Ever since I was a child, I remember loving the smell of coffee and begging my mom to get me some. Though, I find it strange that both my parents aren't "crazy" about it. Perhaps it's because they aren't accustomed to it being that they immigrated to America about 25 years ago when they were 30. So, maybe for some people it may be genetically linked but for others its an acquired taste, like something you adapt through culture. For example, certain people have a higher risk of being alcoholics because previous generations were, whereas someone like myself would have close to zero because no one in my family for generations even consumed alcohol.
