Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Born This Way

Scientists continue to study whether being homosexual is a choice or a genetic mutation. As we as a society become more acceptable and more aware of being gay, scientists have become more open minded to it as well. Leader Dr. Aron Sanders did the largest study of homosexuals and studied their genetic makeup. Sander's team examined 409 gay "brothers" within the coarse of five years. Taking several blood and saliva tests his team found that male sexuality is related to two different regions in the human genome. The two regions are chromosome X and a part of chromosome 8. According the Sanders' team the homosexuals that were being observed had similar patterns on these regions.
Nothing can be fully proven yet, and everyone will still have their beliefs but this study will hopefully help the gay community be more accepted into society. In the last 10 years major advancements to the genetic study or homosexuality and accepting them as people came into place. So far 33 states have accepted gay marriage and the numbers will just keep growing. As technology keeps growing, one day there will be a proven answer but as a society this is deffenatly moving in the right direction.

Article link:http://mic.com/articles/104456/scientists-are-one-step-closer-to-establishing-a-genetic-component-for-homosexuality

1 comment:

  1. I have wondered if homosexuality is genetic or not and have gotten my answer from this blog post. Regions on the X chromosome and 8 are found to affect sexuality. Hopefully this fact helps the world accept homosexuals more.
