New research suggests that the genes tied to blue eyes and red hair will lead to melanoma later in life. This idea is suggested due to the fact that blue-eyed red heads have a higher risk for moles or freckles, which are precursors to the deadly skin cancer of melanoma. Neil Box from the University of Colorado, said that modifying behaviors related to sun exposure in children, will probably a difference with respect to melanoma. Box's study took DNA samples and gathered information on sun exposure from 477 white children between the ages of 6 and 10. Following the children for 4 years, results found that the number of moles and freckles increased each year; as well as the total number of sunburns, waterside vacations and chronic sun exposure.
Therefore the increasing sun exposure was tied to the risk of freckles. Further research indicated that children with the gene variant with blue eyes were more susceptible to develop moles compared to kids without the gene. Kids with a combination of blue eyes and a gene variant for red hair were more likely to develop larger moles as they obtained more sun exposure. Because different gene variants can act differently, further research is being conducted to support this hypothesis.
World Health Organization supports the work of Box. The article supports the fact the Type 1 skin has the highest risk for skin cancer. Type 1 includes people with pale or freckled skin, fair or red hair, and blue eyes.
As someone with blue eyes I hear about this all the time. People with blue eyes and light or red hair have less melanin within their body. I have heard that this is the pigmentation that protects our skin, which is why we get tan after sun exposure, and prevents skin damage. Less melanin means less protection so I like most people with blue eyes have lots of freckles and frequently visit the dermatologist to have them looked at incase one does progress far enough to be considered melanoma.
ReplyDeleteHaving blue eyes i did not know that people with blue eyes have less melanin in their body. I find it very intriguing that eye color has an effect on how much melanin is in one's skin because to me those are two very different structures involved in different systems of our anatomy. Although i wouldn't consider myself to have a lot of freckles this is definitely important information to keep in mind and i will be more careful in the sun knowing i may have an increased probability of melanoma.
ReplyDeleteSeeing as I have red hair, this was interesting to red. Though I already knew most of this information, it was still interesting to learn about this more in depth. Many people see people with red hair and/or blue eyes as a negative for the above reasons but I feel it can also be looked at as a positive because we can sufficiently produce our own Vitamin D, meaning we don't need as much sun exposure as others.
ReplyDeleteHey I didn’t know that blue-eyed and red heads have a higher risk for moles or freckles. Really I am very eager to know why people get different colored eyes. Are there any reasons like red heads or something else? Do you have some information on these topics?