Three researchers in China proposed the theory of the 5-HT1A having a corresponding
linked on how an individual behaves when around a significant other. In simpler
terms individuals that are bad in relationships, such as those that have
frequent break ups. Difficult to believe
that besides the previous beliefs that looks, economic standings, and
personality was a huge factor in engaging in a relationship, there was also a
hidden factor, a gene that can be passed down from the parents. In a paper
titled, “The Association between romantic relationship status and 5-HT1A genein young adults, ”published in scientific reports. They stated that the G
allele of a polymorphism labeled-1019G is able to increase the 5-HT1A genes to
express more and this has a correlation with the individuals by having an
increase in discomfort with close.
Individuals with CG/GG genotypes has a higher chance of being single then a persons with a CC genotype. |
The researchers are taking a step forward of understanding the concept of love and why some people prefer to go against the instinct of finding a signifiant other and reproducing. Could also help in understanding why some people like other, that for some would never even consider.
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